We want the library to be convenient for you! Here are two options for materials pickup.
Curbside PickupCurbside is available on-demand during library hours. During our renovation, we encourage you to take advantage of this service.
Pull into one of the marked spaces in the parking lot, and call the library at the number on the sign. Our staff will check out your materials, bag them with a due date receipt, and bring them out to you. You can return large items (kits, dolls, etc.) to staff when they bring items out to you. Please return books and movies (and everything that fits) in our book return slot. You can send print jobs to [email protected]. We prefer that you come inside for assistance with fax, copies, and scanning. LockersCan't get to the library during open hours? Request a locker pickup by phone call, chat, or email ([email protected]) at least 24 hours in advance.
Our staff will check out your materials, bag them with a due date receipt, and place them in one of our outdoor lockers. Scan your library card, and the locker will open. The outdoor lockers are available 24 hours a day. Please note that your library card or LINKcat app barcode is required to access the lockers. If you do not have your card, let staff know when you make the appointment. |
Servicio en el estacionamiento
Este servicio está disponible en cualquier momento durante el horario de la biblioteca. Te recomendamos a usar este servicio durante la construcción.
Aparque el coche en un lugar marcado en el estacionamiento, y llame a la biblioteca. El personal de la biblioteca pide prestado el material y te lo trae. Si necesitas imprimir, mande el documento a [email protected]. Visite a la biblioteca para copiar, escanear, y enviar fax. Casilleros
¿Quieres conseguir el material fuera del horario de la biblioteca? Reserva un casillero llamando la biblioteca o mandando un email a [email protected] con 24 horas de anticipación.
El personal de la biblioteca pide prestado el material y lo pone en el casillero. Escaneas tu tarjeta de la biblioteca abriendo el casillero. Puedes usar el casillero las 24 horas por día. Necesitas tu tarjeta de la biblioteca o código de barras en la app LINKcat para abrir el casillero. Si no tienes la tarjeta, le digas al personal cuando haces la cita. |