The Children's Room Staff is happy to help you find what you are looking for!
Books and More
We have a variety of picture books, board books, early readers, and fiction and non-fiction books for readers of all ages! We're always happy to help you locate a title or subject, or recommend something good. We also offer books on CD and Playaway, music CDs, movies on DVD and Blu-Ray, video games, and book kits (books plus toys and/or puppets) for check out. We also have a few American Girl Dolls that you can take home for 1 week. Hands-on Fun Come by anytime to play with the puppet theater, blocks, play food, puzzles, and more! We always have a table with crayons to scribble and draw, for practicing the skills that lead to writing. Activities Visit our Exploration Station for a rotation of fun and educational activities, including our typewriter. We also have puzzles and board games for in-library use, as well as a variety of coloring and activity sheets. Ask at the desk for the Letter of the Week, special projects focused on the alphabet, or the Art Box, full of supplies for you to use. Parents' Place Conveniently located in the children's room, we offer a variety of parenting books and DVDs, along with other information on parenting resources. Find the Parents' Place near the children's magazines. Mural Our fantastic mural was painted in 2007 by local artist Suzanne Miller. See what you can find hidden in the pictures! Ask at the Children's Desk for a mural scavenger hunt. |
Display Case
Does your child collect things? From tractors, rocks, cards, dolls or cars, we would love to display the collection in the children’s display case! Please contact us to arrange for a special display. Computers Five computers with headphones are available for use by children in 5th grade and under. Supervising caregivers may also use a computer with their children. Computer use is limited to 30 minutes per day for each patron. Use your library card to sign in, or ask at the desk for a temporary pass. The Monroe Public Library does not filter internet access, and cannot guarantee supervision of internet use. Parents & guardians should discuss safe and appropriate internet use with their children, and are encouraged to use the computer with their children. Library staff members are happy to help parents find recommended guidelines to share with their children. Please see our full Policy on Computers & Internet Use for more information. Children on their own Children 6 years and younger must be under direct supervision of a responsible caregiver at all times while in the library. Children ages 7-8 may remain unsupervised for one hour. Children ages 9-12 may remain unsupervised for a maximum of three hours. Children ages 13 and older may have unlimited time at the library as long as their behavior is not disruptive. Please see our full Policy on Unattended Children for more information. |