We Should All Be Feminists, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, 305.42 ADI *ª Telling Your Story, Jerry Apps, 808.06692 APP Thank You For My Service, Mat Best, 956.7044 BES ª The Bill Murray Stories, DVD 791.43 BIL The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown, 158 BRO * Riding the Elephant, Craig Ferguson 791.45 FER ª Welcome to Night Vale, Fink & Cranor, F FIN *ª |

Vacationland, John Hodgman, 817 HOD *ª
Wow, No Thank You, Samantha Irby, 814 IRB *ª
Thanks a Thousand, A.J. Jacobs, 179.9 JAC
Why Not Me? Mindy Kaling, 921 KALING *ª
Life In a Day, DVD 920 LIF
Waiting for the Punch, Marc Maron, 920.02 MAR *
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, Megan Mullally & Nick Offerman, 791.45 MUL *ª
Binge, Tyler Oakley, YA 818.602 OAK * Broken Places and Outer Spaces, Nnedi Okorafor 155.22 OKO Yes Please, Amy Poehler, 921 POEHLER *ª Well, That Escalated Quickly, Franchesca Ramsey, 791.45 RAM Mobituaries, Mo Rocca, 920 ROC *ª Brave, Not Perfect, Reshma Saujani, 155.33 SAU ª Whose Story Is This?, Rebecca Solnit 814 SOL Stories We Tell, DVD 306.85 STO Self-Inflicted Wounds, Aisha Tyler, 921 TYLER |