Fantasyland, Kurt Andersen, 973 AND *
The Smear, Sharyl Attkisson, 070.4 ATT
The Art of Logic in an Illogical World, Eugenia Cheng, 160 CHE
Storm Lake, Art Cullen, 071.77 CUL
Calling Bullsh*t, Carl T. Bergstrom and Jevin D. West, 149.73 BER
Biased, Jennifer L. Eberhardt, 303.385 EBE *ª
The First, Stanley Fish, 323.44 FIS
The Information, James Gleick, 020.9 GLE *ª
Debunk It!, John Grant, YA 121 GRA *
50 Popular Beliefs that People Think Are True, Guy P. Harrison, 149.73 HAR
The Presidents vs. the Press, Harold Holzer, 070.4 HOL

Stamped from the Beginning, Ibram X. Kendi, 305.8 KEN *ª
News Literacy, Michelle Luhtala and Jacquelyn Whiting, 306.42 LUH
Fakes, Forgeries, and Frauds, Nancy Moses, 364.1635 MOS
Everyday Bias, Howard J. Roth, 303.385 ROS
Breaking News, Alan Rusbridger, 070.92 RUS
Whose Story Is This?, Rebecca Solnit, 814 SOL
The Encyclopedia of Misinformation, Rex Sorgatz, 001.96 SOR
Hoax, Ian Tattersall and Peter Névraumont, 001.9509 TAT
Bunk, Kevin Young, 001.95 YOU *