Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson, YA F AND *ª
The Heart Goes Last, Margaret Atwood, F ATW *ª
Women & Power: A Manifesto, Mary Beard, 305.42 BEA *
Parable of the Talents, Octavia E. Butler, SF BUT PAR-2 *
The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, Meg Elison, SF ELI ROA-1
The Children of Men, P.D. James, F JAM *ª
Glory O'Brien's History of the Future, A.S. King, YA F KIN *
California, Edan Lepucki, F LEP *ª

Gather the Daughters, Jennie Melamed, F MEL *
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture, edited by Roxane Gay, 364.15 NOT *
Birthmarked, Caragh M. O'Brien, YA F OBR 1 *ª
Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud, Anne Helen Petersen, 305.409 PET
Men Explain Things to Me, Rebecca Solnit, 305.42 SOL *
Bannerless, Carrie Vaughn, SF VAU BAN-1 *
The Color Purple, Alice Walker, F WAL *
A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf, 305.42 WOO *