Becoming an Ally to the Gender-Expansive Child, Anna Bianchi, Parents' +155.33 BIA
A Quick and Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns, Archie Bongiovanni, YA GN BON
Raising My Rainbow, Laurie Duron, 306.7662 DUR
This Is How It Always Is, Laurie Frankel, F FRA *ª
Gender Revolution, DVD 305.3 GEN
George, Alex Gino, +F GIN *ª
Red: A Crayon's Story, Michael Hall, ++ HAL *
Being Jazz, Jazz Jennings, YA 306.768 JEN ª
Gender Queer, Maia Kobabe, GN KOB *
Beyond Magenta, Susan Kuklin, YA 306.768 KUK *
Julián Is a Mermaid, Jessica Love, ++ LOV *
Amateur, Thomas Page McBee, 155.332 MCB
Tomorrow Will Be Different, Sarah McBride, 306.768 MCB
Redefining Realness, Janet Mock, 306.768 MOC
Transgender Children and Youth, Elijah C. Nealy, 306.768 NEA
Becoming Nicole, Amy Ellis Nutt, 306.768 NUT *
The Bold World, Jodie Patterson, 306.874 PAT *ª
Who Are You? The Kid's Guide to Gender Identity, Brook Pessin-Whedbee, +305.3 PES
The Trans Generation, Ann Travers, 306.768 TRA
Raising Ryland, Hillary Whittington, 306.76 WHI